Our Secret Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe… Shhh….

Our Secret Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe… Shhh….

Shaina’s Secret Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe written & video by Shainashaina@freshenyourlife.com There is something so comforting and loving about warm fresh chocolate chip cookies.  When my son Tatum was born just over 4 years ago, I was on a mission to...
Kitchen Pantry Makeover, Tips, and Strategies

Kitchen Pantry Makeover, Tips, and Strategies

Kitchen Pantry Makeover, Tips, and Strategies written & video by Shainashaina@freshenyourlife.com Call me clean, call me organized, call me OCD but at the end of the day I’m human and live in a house with a hubby and 3 kids.  This can leave our house sometimes...