Podcast Episode 001:

Freshen Your Life Introduction

I was young, in the best shape of my life, and starting to build my life.  Alex and I had just moved to Lakeland and since we didn’t have any children, we worked out all the time.  My favorite class was spinning with instructor Greg.  He literally kicked my booty every single time! He would always tell us to try to get the same bike every time, so you learn the bike.  Every class I sat on the left side of the room next to this girl named Jenny.  She was blonde, young, and looked like someone I might be friends with but the extent of our conversations was always hey and see ya next week.  Fast forward to a year or maybe even almost two years later.  We finally started talking more and found out we both had children who were a year old and born a week apart and we lived a block apart! We started with playdates and walking the neighborhood.  I was pregnant with my second, Jenny was a full-time mom, boss, and student so they put baby number two on hold.  I specifically remember her saying she wished we could be pregnant together.  I would always laugh and say I don’t think we are going to have three kids. 

As time flew by, we learned that we had more in common than just kids the same age.  We were both born in July, husbands both born in January, both married in August 2012, had similar personalities, and enjoyed the same hobbies.  Our relationship really grew when we both decided to sell and build our dream homes at the same time.  Going through such an exciting and challenging time together brought our families closer together.  We absolutely do life together!

Exactly a year ago Jenny and I had been in our homes for about 6 months, finally felt settled into our new chapter in life, were rooted in our church and progressing in our careers.  It was also an exciting time since Jenny was trying for baby number two.  Christmas 2017 I had a hunch though that I might be pregnant it wasn’t confirmed until mid-January but I struggled with how I was going to tell my best friend.  Her response was exactly what mine would be “It’s not supposed to be you its supposed to be me” A week later after her experiencing similar symptoms to mine we found out she was pregnant as well! Wow did her wish come true! We were both due September 2018!

Now we have healthy 4-month old’s and are embarking on this beautiful journey through motherhood together and we want to share it with all of you.  Community is so important especially when raising little ones.  We want to share our experiences, tips, tricks, and so much more in hopes of simplifying motherhood!